Faith forsakes the world for Christ

Jun 25, 2023    Ben Gibson

It is a significant consequence of genuine faith to forsake the world for Christ (Hebrews 11:23 - 28). We looked only at verse 23 which concerns the faith of Moses' parents. From them we learned that faith has the courage to stand against the world’s demands. By faith they were not afraid of the kings edict. Their faith provided a sanctuary for their son in a cultural environment that sought his demise.

By faith, they also rested in God’s purpose for their son. Their faith was foundational for him, and it helped him understand who he was and his place in the world. And it would influence him for the rest of his life.

It goes without saying that our culture and our circumstances are vastly different, but the same spirit of the age is alive and well. And in the same way, it continues to demand our children. Faith is the shield that quenches the fiery darts of the enemy. Genuine faith will protect your children from a world that seeks to devour them. It provides viable answers to the existential questions of our generation, helping our children understand their God-given identity and helping them discern their place in the world.

We return to Hebrews 11:24 - 28 this Sunday. Following in his biological parents footsteps, when he was grown, Moses acted in faith. And what he did is an example for us of faith that forsakes the world for Christ.